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  • #3244

    Hi there,

    Amazing job on this plugin, really happy with the functions you guys developed. However, I got one question about the thumbnails in the gallery. I would like to display all the thumbnails in one or more than one rows in the thumbnail section. For instance, if I have more than 20 images, I would like to display all the thumbnails in 3 rows, each row may have 10 images. Is this function could be considered done in the current version? Or maybe I need edit the codes somewhere in the plugin? I would really appreciate if you guys could give me hand over here.

    Best Regards,


    If you talking about Phantom module than you need set Max-Height option to whatever you need or just some large number, then set Thumbnail Rows to 3.
    Also you can choose how visitors should scroll thumbs container: Grid Navigation -> mouse move or scrollbars.

    Also be sure you have latest version of Phantom module. Go to Modules page and update all modules to latest version.

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