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  • #1487

    Add Gallery

    The first thing you will want to do is upload some images. Before you can do that, you have to create a gallery. You can do that on the Manage Galleries page -> Add Gallery tab.
    Galleries are created in ‘/wp-content/flagallery/’ folder on your server. Creating a gallery actually creates a new folder on the server to store the images.

    Add New Gallery


    Adding Images

    Once you’ve created a gallery you can add images to it. There are two different ways to add images to a gallery, by uploading them and by copying them to a location and then scanning the directory:

    Upload images one or more at a time.
    This is done from the Upload Images tab on the Manage Galleries page. You can select multiple files to upload and see progress of each image as it is being uploaded.

    Upload Multiple Images


    Import images already in your gallery folder.
    To do this:

    1. Go to the Manage Gallery page.
    2. Click on the Edit link for your gallery.
    3. Click the Scan Folder for New Images button.

    Scan Folder for New Images


    Here is a summary of the operations that can be performed on the gallery on the Manage Gallery page.

    • Edit the name and description of the gallery.
    • Edit the path (although this only changes the path, it doesn’t rename folder on the server).
    • Delete the gallery.


    Managing Images

    Once you get images into a gallery, you can perform a number of different operations on them. Probably the first thing you’ll want to do is to annotate them. While you’re at it you may as well add a description to your gallery.

    Manage Gallery Images

    The Manage Gallery page provides a lot of flexibility and allows you to make a lot of changes at once. One thing you’ll want to be careful of, however, is to avoid doing to many operations that take a lot of time, such as regenerating thumbnails. Doing so can cause the operation to timeout.

    Here is a summary of the operations that can be performed on images on the Manage Gallery page.

    • Specify a description for each image.
    • Specify alternate title text for each image.
    • Delete an image. The image file itself will only be deleted if the ‘Delete image files’ option is enabled on the Options page -> Image Gallery Options tab -> General section.
    • Generate new (create custom) thumbnails for selected images. Regenerate thumbnails with custom size.
    • Resize images. This is useful when you set ‘Resize Images’ option on the Options page -> Image Gallery Options tab -> Image Settings section.
    • Scan the folder for new images as described above.
    • View image meta data.
    • Sort images. Only when Custom order option is selected on Options page.
    • Lock images for unregistered users.

    Can I replace image with an updated version of the same image? The new version has the same file name as the current image on the gallery and i want to keep the caption I added to the current image.


    In Flagallery plugin you can replace images with the same name via FTP and then go to Edit gallery -> select images which you’ve replaced -> in actions dropdown choose “Create new Thumbnails” -> repeat with action “Create images optimized for web”.


    How do I rotate images within the gallery without actually reloading them?


    Unfortunately there is no option to rotate images in Flagallery plugin.


    My images are portrait and correct from my files. Flagallery is rotating them sideways (landscape). How do I stop this from happening?

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