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  • #6656

    Hey everybody,
    today I started integrating our photo collection of approx. 20.000 photos to our webpage with Gmedia.
    All files will be uploaded to the server and they will be imported with Gmedia.
    Is it correct that Gmedia will copy them to its plugin folder?
    Furthermore they will be saved twice (original folder and images folder) again in the plugin folder itself..
    I don’t know if this behaviour is correct.

    Well so there are 2 questions regarding this:
    1) Is there a way to simply link my galleries to the uploaded pictures instead of copying them?
    2) Why is there an original folder? Will the quality be reduced to make the webpage faster? I would appreciate this feature because at the moment I have to shrink every folder by hand. If Gmedia implemented this feature it would be nice!

    If the plugin can do this things we will buy this plugin to keep this great work running.
    We tried about 100 plugins for galleries but I think we found a nice one at least.

    Have a nice day!


    Yes, Gmedia saves uploaded files in it’s own folder ‘/wp-content/grand-media/’.
    Original images saved to separate folder for restoring images if you modify it via Edit Image. Also it will be used for future actions like recreate/crop thumbnails, adding/removing watermarks… Plugin automatically reduce image size proportionally to fit in 2200x2200px for web view and fill in 300x300px for thumbnails, so the largest side for big image will be 2200px and the smallest side for thumbnail will be 300px.


    Thanks for you reply.
    Will the picture automatically get compressed?
    Some images have a size about 2-4 megabyte and for slower connections it’s not the best way to publish media.

    A little idea to improve the plugin: I think it would be nice to give the possibility to create galleries for galleries. In my case we have different events in different years. At this moment I have to create for every year and every event in a year a new page. If I could create a site for 2016 with a gallery which gives you the opportunity to choose the event and then shows the corresponding pictures it would be really nice. Just my two cents :)


    Yes, picture will be compressed to about 250kb (±100kb), but in gallery first will be loaded thumbnails which have much less size (about 20kb) and when visitor click it the bigger image will be loaded.


    Nice to hear.
    Can I set a compression level?

    I wish you a good evening!


    Not for now. I’ll add this option in the future updates.


    Okay also good to know.
    Can I remove the original pictures? Or will I mess up my galleries?


    You’ll break some functionality (like editing images) if you delete originals. And probably there will be some PHP warnings in the Gmedia admin panel (I’m not sure). You can test with few images, galleries should be ok.


    Okay thanks for your immediate help.
    Today our webpage was published. As I finished the uploading of approx. 10.000 photos (in total not at once) I noticed that some albums with more than 100 photos simply not appear. Maybe this is a bug and so I want to tell it to you.
    I’ll try some things.. Maybe the “Mosaic” breaks this gallery but I hope not – I really like this theme.

    EDIT: It’s the mosaic design. Maybe a tiny little programming bug like a overflow or something else. Is there a way to fix it for myself or do I need to wait for an update?


    I’m working on adding pagination to Gmedia modules, so a lot amount of images will not break the gallery.


    Rattus, this sounds great. I got pages where I already separated the pictures in 4 galleries of 500 pictures, but the initial loading time is still to be enhanced. Pagination would be a ver big deal.

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