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  • #9857

    I have set up three different galleries in my GMedia Gallery, one with minima, another with photomania and a third with afflux. When I use my PC with the minima gallery it shows up differently to how it looks on my other two devices. When I use my PC with the afflux gallery it shows up OK but on my other two devices they still look the same as with minima.on those devices. Same thing happens with photomania.

    I am running the same browser on all three devices ( Chrome). I can’t figure out what is different apart from the screen sizes. Any ideas what is happening here?


    Minima and Afflux are modules based on flash which is not supported by mobile devices. You can use Phantom, FlipGrid, Photomania, JQ Music Player, WP Video Player. These modules are free and built with JavaScript and HTML and should work the same on all devices.

    All other premium modules from the Demo page ( ) are free for testing purposes and built with JS and HTML too.

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