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  • #5072

    I’ve been scratching my head on this for over a week now and time to ask for advice.

    My page has photo galleries at the following links set up:

    IE seems to load the galleries with ease. Firefox loads thumbnails that have to individually be clicked on and Chrome is just a strange disaster. You can view one gallery on one page but when you go to another it doesn’t load the gallery at all, hitting refresh 4-5 times does eventually bring it in to the page. I’ve disabled minify in the W3TC plugin as I saw recommended in another post, but still an issue.

    Any help is appreciated.


    Everything loads fine on my side. Tried Firefox and Chrome.


    Rattus, thanks for the quick response to this.

    Can you give this a shot? , go to my main page, then click licensed bounce houses on the top menu, and then click batman jump, if it loads fine, then click licensed bouncers again and try to click on the Mickey Park Jump. then you can try classic bounce houses and the module house jump and see if that gallery loads. If they all load fine, try refresh a few times. See if you get what I’m seeing – sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn’t.

    I tried it on a 2nd machine on Chrome today and had the same results. Sporadically loading. Hitting refresh on a page whether it loads or not, seems to also duplicate the results. I’ve had a 2nd pair of eyes look at it also and they’re able to see it also. If we put in a text test in the script we can see that the script gets called each time so it’s bizarre. IE is rock solid, no issues there.

    I’ve held off on updating my other equipment with galleries until we can get this corrected.
    Thanks again! -Tim


    I’ve clicked all that houses about 10 minutes from one to other and every time gallery loads fine even with disabled browser cache.
    Chrome v43.0.2357.124 (64-bit).


    I’ll put a little vid up to show you what I’m seeing. Looks like we’re on the same version of Chrome only both of these machines are 32-bit OS so not quite apples to apples but not sure how that would make a difference though. I’m not calling you crazy by any means, but this is making me even more crazy that you aren’t able to replicate it. My fear of course is a customer coming to the site and seeing no images when clicking on the link making the site appear generic and amateurish. I coded with just featured images, and that’s better then getting nothing.

    I’ll post the vid to you in PM momentarily, shrinking it down in handbrake first.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ok, playing around with your galleries about half an hour and gallery was not loaded once, because of important script doesn’t loaded from your server:
    Seems like it’s happened to you more often, but it’s not problem of the plugin. There is many reasons why script can’t be loaded: server settings, cache settings, slow server, slow internet, some of adblockers in the browser.
    What about other modules? It happens with all modules? Try clear cache in W3TC plugin. There is a special clear button somewhere in the W3TC settings.


    Ok Rattus,
    I’m relieved to see it happening less frequently on your side. I will play with some settings and hopefully can improve the performance. Great plug in. I’ll be donating in the near future.




    I had a few friends test today and they stated that it was not loading the gallery more often then it was. I checked the gallery I posted in my non-prod site and it was loading flawlessly everytime on every browser. I then compared everything side by side for settings and all plug-ins and voila!!.. W3 Total Cache plugin had debug enabled on all categories. I did not have this enabled in my non-prod, I unchecked those, emptied all caches, and presto, problem fixed. I’m not sure which debug was causing the problem but I have a working site.

    I want to thank you for taking the time out with me and happy to report your plugin is AWESOME.



    Glad you solved the problem with Gmedia Gallery.
    I appreciate that you’ve chosen Gmedia Gallery plugin to manage your media content. I hope you create fantastic galleries.
    Unfortunately, a lot of positive reviews about our plugin have been recently removed due to conflict with some WP rules. Could you leave your feedback on that page ?
    You can help me spread the word about my gallery plugin among the users striving to get awesome galleries on their WordPress sites.
    I will be grateful for your time and efforts.

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