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  • #6679


    So far I like this plugin, but I don’t have much control over the thumbnails. The top part of the thumbnail image (which is a screenshot of a website) is cut off. How do I adjust the settings so that it doesn’t crop out an important part of the image?

    I can’t even find the place where I initially set up the thumbnail size. Will changing the thumbnail size/dimensions solve this problem?



    Yikes, just noticed the typo in the title. But I don’t see a way to edit it, haha. Sorry!


    Which module you use on your website?

    Mosaic module have option “Prevent Crop” of thumbnails. Other javascript modules can be modified via CSS to show top part of thumbnails. Flash modules can’t be modified.

    Gmedia Gallery plugin doesn’t allow to set thumbnail size. It is fixed to be 300px for smaller side of image and thumbnails are never cropped. This is the perfect size for all types of displays and all modifications with thumbnails are made via module’s CSS (like cropping, resizing, blurring, etc.)

    Be sure you have latest versions of modules. Check on Gmedia Modules page in admin.


    Thanks for the reply! I’m pretty sure I’m using the Phantom module. I’ll try the Mosaic module, to see if I like it.

    If that doesn’t work, I’ll look into modifying the other one via CSS. I’ll probably need a little help with that. But I’ll try the other module first.


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