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  • #8514

    I am currently working on updating galleries on one of my main WordPress sites but I seem to be running into a problem during this transition. Currently I have been using an older module named Afflux for gallery display. I love its auto hide of captions as people hover over/hover out of my gallery. However, because Afflux doesnt appear to be developed outside of a Flash Gallery, I am looking to find a non-Flash gallery as the solution

    Of the ones available (sorry, Im not a pro user yet), RealSlider seems like the closest to how the Afflux Gallery displayed and interacted. However, the big killer on it is that its gallery doesnt seem to have a good layout for those who might be captioning images with extensive info. The gallery either lets you turn the captions off (hiding them completely) or leaves you with captions that cover the image or thumbnails. They will not slide out of view upon hover so its not a great match for my galleries in that respect.

    Can anyone advise a solution for this? Just trying to strike a balance between keeping my galleries up to date with the landscape, but providing captions that actually consider the end-user experience.

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