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Tagged: PhotoBox moduels
I have a problem with Photo Box moduele.
In this page:
I have e gallery built with PhotoBox.
I have configured “limit=5”.
but I see more than 5 photos.
Someone can help me with this?
Thanks in advance,
That is strange… can you give me access to your WP Dashboard, so I can test closer?
There is no problem on my side and limit works fine.
Hi, thanks for the answer.
Yes I can, but I don’t know how, can you explain to me?
I’ve done this test but it still doesn’t work.
-delete and renstal module of photobox;
-Create a new preset;
-Put the gallery in a new article;
In the preview page of the module it works well. It’s in the articles that doesn’t work.
Attached the screenshots.
Thanks in advance,
Preset – is only the settings for module, but not how many or which items to show.
In the shortcode you’ve already point to show album with id=193 and it shows all items from the library.
You can add additional parameter to the shortcode which will extend the query:
[gm album=193 module=photobox preset=290 query="limit=5"]
above shortcode is identical to:
[gmedia module=photobox preset=290 query="album__in=193&limit=5"]
P.S.: visual editor convert &
symbol in query parameter to &
and query not work, but I’ll fix it in next version.
Hi, thanks for your answer.
I understand how to limit the risults but my goal is limit the preview of gallery a 5 photo, but if I click on one image and than on the “arrow next button” I would see all of the images of the album.
Is it possible?
Ps: where I can found the list of the shortcodes commands?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, go to Modules page and edit your Preset for PhotoBox module -> add CSS code below to Advanced Settings tab: Custom CSS field:
ul.gmPhotoBox li:nth-child(n+6) {
This code will hide all thumbs after 5th item in the grid, but there will be all items in the Lightbox.