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  • #6997


    First of all I really love the look and feel of the program, its not messy and has a quite fresh look.
    The provided modules are quite impressive where I have a custom request.

    The provided screenshot sums it all up where I’d like to be able to place my gallery anywhere within the screen wihout any spacings.

    Could you please take a look at the screenshot and tell me if it’s possible to create this.

    Kind regards,

    Richardson Williams

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    Yes, it’s possible with Phantom and little CSS which hides all grid images except first one.


    Hi there,

    Thankyou for your reply.

    Can you please tell me how the following (screenshot) can be achieved?

    I really love to be able to see the result in the WP-Admin.
    This option only becomes available when I click on a single image.

    If this can’t be done, can we then discuss something to implement this feature?

    Kind regards,


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    Create gallery with Phantom module and add code below to the Custom CSS field on Advanced Settings:

    .gmPhantom_Container { width: auto !important; display: inline-block !important; }
    .gmPhantom_thumbsWrapper { width: auto !important; }
    .gmPhantom_ThumbContainer { display: none; }
    .gmPhantom_ThumbContainer:first-child { display: block; }

    This code is almost the sollution! Thankyou for the repeated effort!

    If you could help me with the following I would be a happy man (screenshot).

    To be able to choose the gallery in your post and see the first image directly within the back end, where on the front end this gallery gets displayed as it is on the backend (including the code above which is great!).

    Thankyou once more for your effort.

    Kind regards,


    p.s.I’m going to either donate or buy premium depending on the solution.
    Either way you’ll recieve a 5 star rating and something else.

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    I’ll add ‘align’ parameter to shortcode in the future, so users could set it to left or right, ex:

    As for now you can edit gallery and add this code to Custom CSS field for aligning to the right with 10px gap to text:
    .gmedia_gallery { float:right; margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:7px; }
    you can change float parameter to left and play with margin number to fit your needs (margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left)


    Goodday sir,

    Is there any way to hardcode your code:
    .gmPhantom_Container { width: auto !important; display: inline-block !important; }
    .gmPhantom_thumbsWrapper { width: auto !important; }
    .gmPhantom_ThumbContainer { display: none; }
    .gmPhantom_ThumbContainer:first-child { display: block; }

    into the source, because the advanced settings wont memorize these when making a new gallery with the same Phantom Layout,

    Kind regards,



    Hey richard, i hope you dont mind me messaging you but i am not getting a response from the main guy. I have an issue with the MOSAIC module….in the commnets box area it show the name of my album and beside it is a link in blue and when i click on it in my site it take the visitor to the gallarey that is in a completely different layout and i dont want them to see that…..i want to either deactivate the link or redirect it back to the page it is ment to be on ….could you please help me here? Thanks a million …tania


    If you want memorize settings to be as default you should edit gallery to fit your needs -> click Module Presets button and click “Save as Default Preset” button.


    Hello Tania,

    My apologies for the delay to answer.
    I however am in no way afiliated with these great developers. I unfortunately can’t help you.

    Kind regards,



    Dear developer

    I have a question which combines your first and second answer.(This time the Pro module Phantom)
    (but I don’t have the skills to combine those codes which with an edit should sove everything)

    .gmPhantom_Container { width: auto !important; display: inline-block !important; }
    .gmPhantom_thumbsWrapper { width: auto !important; }
    .gmPhantom_ThumbContainer { display: none; }
    .gmPhantom_ThumbContainer:first-child { display: block; }
    .gmedia_gallery { float:right; margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:7px; }

    This time Ive tried to play with it, where the code starts with:
    .gmedia_galleryPro { float:right; margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:7px; }

    Can you please combine the code for me so that when I add the code next to my text that it gets displayed as:
    One picture (the first code actually) with the image being placed on the text as is and that the text will wrapp around the text just like:

    Kind regards

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Ok, the code for PhantomPro should be:

    .gmPhantomPro_Container { width: auto !important; display: inline-block !important; }
    .gmPhantomPro_thumbsWrapper { width: auto !important; }
    .gmPhantomPro_ThumbContainer { display: none; }
    .gmPhantomPro_ThumbContainer:first-child { display: block; }
    .gmedia_gallery { float:right; margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:7px; }

    Because of PhantomPro has pagination, but you want to show only 1 thumbnail, then you should set Limit when Build the Query.
    Also the limit should be equal “Items Per Page”. See screenshot for example:


    I once more thank you kindly.

    Could you please also assist me with the following:
    Instead of manually adding every gallerie, that I can choose one gallery so that it gets displayed in one page instead of screenshot:

    Question #2, could you also please provide the code to add the image to the left (screenshot Gmedia2).

    Kind regards,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Could you please also assist me with the following:
    Instead of manually adding every gallery in menu in admin, that I can choose (for example in screenshot Gmedia-gallery.jpg) “all”, which displays all folders or albums on the frontpage under that menu bar.

    Is such thing possible?

    Kind regards,


    1) Unfortunately, I can’t add “all” to that list, because WordPress built these lists automatically. Perhaps, there is some way to do it, but it’s require further investigation and coding.

    2) the code is almost the same, excluding last line:

    .gmPhantomPro_Container { width: auto !important; display: inline-block !important; }
    .gmPhantomPro_thumbsWrapper { width: auto !important; }
    .gmPhantomPro_ThumbContainer { display: none; }
    .gmPhantomPro_ThumbContainer:first-child { display: block; }
    .gmedia_gallery { float:left; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:7px; }
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