Tagged: gmedia, permalinks, sorting
March 18, 2015 at 19:52 #4511
ParticipantThank you for the response. I am building a new theme, and this is a test site. The URL works fine when I am not logged into WP. When I am logged in, if I look at the styling, I see that the div that has the following tag is set to a height of 0:
<div id=”gmOptima_ID8_Container”>
I am using the Optima module.
Again, this works fine when I am not logged in.
This is a simple web site without any login capability for visitors, so maybe I will just let this go – I thought perhaps there was a known solution.
March 18, 2015 at 21:09 #4513Rattus
KeymasterJoseph, maybe you could give me temporary access to your WP admin, so I finally fix this problem. You are the second or third who wrote me about it. If you can’t give me access could you check in browser console if page have any javascript errors and post them to me?
Use Contact page for credentials.March 18, 2015 at 21:41 #4516Joseph
ParticipantI did see the following error in the javascript console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘body’ of undefined
That is the only error. The html is all there is i view the source – just not showing because the div has a height of 0 (i think).
March 18, 2015 at 21:48 #4519Rattus
KeymasterOK, that’s tell me nothing. I need more: js file which call the error, line of code.
Gallery not showing because of this error.Be sure you have latest version of plugin and Modules (check on Modules page).
March 18, 2015 at 22:24 #4521Joseph
ParticipantThe console says this is the js file:
Here is the line of code:
(function(d){var c={},b={},e,f,a;e=function(){var g=f.inputs[f.mode];if(!g){return}if(f.editors[f.mode]){f.editors[f.mode].save()}d.post(ajaxurl,{action:”debug_bar_console”,mode:f.mode,data:g.val(),nonce:a},function(h){b.body.html(h)});return false};f={mode:”php”,tabs:{},inputs:{},change:function(g){if(g==f.mode){return}if(f.tabs[f.mode]){f.tabs[f.mode].removeClass(“debug-bar-console-tab-active”)}c.form.removeClass(“debug-bar-console-mode-“+f.mode);c.form.addClass(“debug-bar-console-mode-“+g);f.mode=g;if(f.tabs[f.mode]){f.tabs[f.mode].addClass(“debug-bar-console-tab-active”)}f.maybeInitEditor()},editors:{},codemirror:{modes:{php:”application/x-httpd-php”,sql:”text/x-mysql”},defaults:{lineNumbers:true,lineWrapping:true,matchBrackets:true,indentUnit:4,indentWithTabs:true,enterMode:”keep”,onKeyEvent:function(g,h){if(h.keyCode==13&&h.shiftKey){h.stop();e();return true}}}},maybeInitEditor:function(){var g,h;if(!f.codemirror.modes[f.mode]||!f.inputs[f.mode]){return}if(!f.editors[f.mode]){g=d.extend({},f.codemirror.defaults,{mode:f.codemirror.modes[f.mode]});f.editors[f.mode]=CodeMirror.fromTextArea(f.inputs[f.mode][0],g);c.form.show()}h=f.editors[f.mode];h.focus();h.setCursor(h.lineCount())}};d(document).ready(function(){d.extend(c,{form:d(“#debug-bar-console”),submit:d(“#debug-bar-console-submit a”),output:d(“#debug-bar-console-output”)});c.wrap=c.form.parent();a=d(“#_wpnonce_debug_bar_console”).val();b.css=d(“#debug-bar-console-iframe-css”).val();b.container=d(“iframe”,c.output);b.contents=b.container.contents();b.document=b.contents[0];b.body=d(b.document.body);d(“head”,b.contents).append(‘<link type=”text/css” href=”‘+b.css+'” rel=”stylesheet” />’);c.submit.click(e);c.wrap.bind(“debug-bar-show”,function(){f.maybeInitEditor()});d(“.debug-bar-console-tab”).each(function(){var i=d(this),h=i.find(“input”).val(),g;if(h){f.tabs[h]=i;i.data(“console-tab”,h);g=d(“#debug-bar-console-input-“+h);if(g.length){f.inputs[h]=g}}}).click(function(){f.change(d(this).data(“console-tab”))})})})(jQuery);
March 18, 2015 at 22:28 #4522Joseph
ParticipantAlso, I do have the latest version as of last Friday. Thanks.
March 18, 2015 at 22:38 #4523Rattus
KeymasterWell, this js file is not from plugin or any module. Seems like it is from some browser extention. Did you try other browsers?
If in other browsers the same, then I couldn’t help without access to admin dashboard.March 18, 2015 at 23:22 #4524Rich
ParticipantWhen I click to share or edit the gallery the windows become hidden all the way to the left of my WP cms. Impossible to see anything to work. See attached screen grabs. I’m using Chrome.
Also the display within a WP post is weird. After putting in the gmedia shortcode the gallery displays. But then all the images also appear below within the post. See attached grab.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.March 18, 2015 at 23:33 #4528Rich
ParticipantAlso the display within a WP post is weird. After putting in the gmedia shortcode the gallery displays. But then all the images also appear below within the post. See attached grab.
You must be logged in to view attached files.March 18, 2015 at 23:58 #4530Rattus
KeymasterWPEngine plugin rewrites CSS rules on Gmedia admin pages. Try go to Gmedia Settings (I haven’t access to it with provided account, only admins) and check “Enable Gmedia admin panel Isolation Mode”.
As for images below gallery try enable “Raw output for Gmedia Shortcode” in Gmedia Settings. If not help then send me link to the gallery page, so I’ll look closer.March 23, 2015 at 23:00 #4542Rich
ParticipantI made both of these changes but still the same. All the little images appear below the gallery.
http://www.cctv-america.com/2015/03/23/gmedia-test-postMarch 25, 2015 at 09:25 #4550Rattus
KeymasterSeems like some PHP function of your theme or some plugins reformat and break the Gmedia code. I need FTP access to your server, so I can try to solve this problem.
March 27, 2015 at 00:51 #4558Rich
ParticipantThis reply has been marked as private.March 30, 2015 at 12:02 #4586Rattus
KeymasterI think some function of your theme use wpautop or wptexturize filters on post content after gallery shortcode was processed and those filters break galleries code. These filters should run before do_shortcode filter. I hope your developer know what I’m talking about.
May 7, 2015 at 20:33 #4796Rich
ParticipantMy developer worked off your last instructions and now gmedia galleries appear correctly on our website. But the galleries in posts with shortcodes are not appearing on iPhone or Android S5. Only see a black bar of title. See attached screen grab. Any idea why?
Example: http://www.cctv-america.com/2015/05/07/wwii-aircraft-to-fly-over-dc-to-mark-70th-anniversary-of-v-e-dayAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files. -
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